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sorry for the ramble but ya it's not that bad
u say that like 99% of authors on this app don't do that it's so they don't have to drop they're novels they like and can keep high rating sure it's not the greatest thing to do but it doesn't harm no one and this book is actually great as someone who has read to chapter 516 I can say he develops as a character and stops being such a dick and the world become a lot more interesting as they start visiting other places and some stay a mystery like the light faction is still not even touched on besides the fact that they are strong as fuck
the dialogue is to long? to me it just sounds like ur lazy if u can't accept the fact that people talk a lot in the real world then u need to go and talk to more people outside instead of through a mic
mc isint even that much of a dumpster fire hadn't even done that bad of shit yet
u sure we reading the same book he ain't a siscon from where I'm at he let his "sister" get her ass beat multiple times and didn't even care his power has never been unstable and he uses both magic and qi with no draw backs and u make no sense by 2 step forward 1 step back are u talking about how the broken ass items he enchants that come with a curse that arnt even that bad bc if so ur trippin
I mean u can kinda call it a different dimension but honestly it's just a different planet in a different solar system thing it's still connected to Quinn's world in mvs
lmfao I'm thinking about this again and u rlly sound dumb as fuck lol I think the alcoholic here is u dude
lmfao like I said pressed little kid
lol so like I said eariler ur just a pressed little kid lmfao
that made my day