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what a cute lttle thing she is[img=recommend][img=update]
The overall story is pretty good. However at some point the lovey-dovey moments between the mc's is too much, pretty much waste potential scenarios. At the beginning the works of the fl is well described but what I'm most sad about is that the story didn't emphasis much on how the fl will develop an antidote for the ml which was the leading cause or goal of the story, and thus the ending was too rushed in just a few chapters which should have covered half the story. In addition, the revenge story was too short little description or too rushed. I don't know if it's because I read too many storied with more than 830 chapters, but this book is good and had so much potential to develop. But anyway, I cant say for sure if I'm satisfied but I have lukewarm feelings. The story is good yeah but..... lacks depth.....
thank you dear author for updating 😭😭🤧🤧💕💕 I will diligently vote and pray for more upcoming chapters🙏 ~loyal fan💕🎋
I've been in a slump lately and this treasure dropped right when I needed a good book to read. totally my style 😎 I read the summary and I instantly fell I love with it. Will sure read it with love ❤
maybe Howard's etcher is somewhat a ferret. it couldn't be a bird or it would have flown over to the estate. but however since he is the future heir and had great potential, it can be a fiercer etcher like a leopard, a smaller one yet to fully grow into adulthood.
I've been reading the story over at least two times, I just have a curious question.... why had the st.claire never hold a party up to now...? is it because of their low status? but in a previous chapter it was mentioned that the blaise family did hold one but never would invite the St.claire due to their animosity.... aish the story is so good that i'm fantasising about possible plot one of which the St.claire family hold a private party for vonny's 10th bd party in which the tanner's kiron's jorbin's valentes's were invited to and sang the bd which will soon spread among the nobility. or another plot where the St.claire family's, tanner's, jorbin's, valentes's families were invited to the kiron's fief for the summer to experience the hot spring and everyone had fun with vonny introducing some games from her other world ... Well guys don't mind me babbling I'm been stressed recently and in the middle of my final exams😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
just a curious question why had the St.claire family never hold a party up to now? it's been a least 2 years...?
Taylor is wrong... but nevermind I more interested on how damien gonna react. do you'll think he will be jealous or have some kind of flashback emotion towards vonnie like from what happened between topher and vonnie in the forest?
i think vonny was caught training with Desmo and Demon by the pig prince.... coz u know the forest is close to the castle... and do you'll remember during the royal banquet some times ago, when aster mentioned 'that' interesting person to the other etchers pf the royals...?
it looks like many chapters are missing....... how did the prince find out about vonna having an etcher and when did howie had one....