I like to read fantasy fiction or books which include magic realism. I write dystopian fantasy. My book is called Pretty Boy Psycho which is the first book in my Cloud Association series.
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Wonderful world building with a complex main character. This story got me thinking about my life and role in it. Recommend if you want both an exciting and thoughtful read.
You are such an imaganative story teller. You gave created an exciting world with lots of interesting characters. This book is a useful escapism for anyone bored and in need of an adventure.
Such an exciting tone the first chapter has. I am really drawn into the situation the the protagonist is encountering. Think I am in for an adventurous read.
No but I shall have a look at it.
What is the name of the platform you represent?
If you enjoy horror and fantasy this book is for you. It is well written with grotesque imagery. I like how this, not all human family, battles together. The characters have complex relationships. There is action from the very beginning and carries on throughout. Celeste is a chilling girl she kept me wanting to know what would happen to her. Well done to the author. I hope this book does well.
What a curious story. I enjoyed the mystery surrounding it from the voice in the prologue to the opening chapters. The characters are believable. I also like the use of coffee as it adds to my curiosity.
If you enjoy Dungeons and Dragons or Sword Art Online then you shall probably like this book. After the first two chapters the writing improves a lot. The author has a large imagination with their magic system and especially world building. I especially like the magical creatures. Keep going author, you are doing really well with your work.
This story is ever so engaging. The writing has an energetic tone which goes well with characters Danny and Clarissa. The two girls bounce off each other and I am enjoying seeing what Clarissa’s motives are. Fab work to the author and her imagination.
This book takes you into an interesting world. I’ve read the first few chapters and want to visit the setting. I expect this to be a really exciting story. I am keen to carry on exploring this world.