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Elaine's Story ;

To my Maya, I am so happy that you are growing so fast. You see, I could no longer carry you for so long as you are starting to get heavy. Counting days, in few more months you'll start walking. I want you to know that mommy and daddy can't wait. Mommy wants you to be free like your name, Malaya; take time to wander around each and every corner of the house. And feel the happiness of being able to go wherever you wish to. Baby, I want you to know how blessed  we are to have you. You are worth than anything else God has given me. The greatest prayer God has ever granted. Maya, grow embracing God's words. Have faith in Him, and He will always be by your side guiding and protecting you wherever you go. He is Love, He is Light, and He is everything, Maya. Time comes that whenever you feel lost, keep His words in your heart and soul. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 You are asleep right now. Perfect time for mommy to write. Before I finally decided to hold this pen and started writing, I've been staring at you quite sometime. Maya, you almost look like your daddy if not becuase of your hair and lips that you got from me. I thought you might ask this someday, "How did you and daddy met?" I found an old journal which still has no entries, hence I am writing our story ahead of you. For a brief answer, it was fate that brought us together. I thought I might bore you, but keep reading honey, you'll unfold things soon. I'm sharing you everything about me and daddy, so when you grow up as young lady, never keep secret from me, okay? I promise that mommy will always have her ears for you. Anyway, I'm hoping that you might like it our story. I love you. -Mom

Kaileayen · Teen
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