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Might I say, this book is as intense as it could get. Only taking into account the books written by ash_knight and several other books from the same genre. So far so well written. Good job author ✍️
Oh go…. finally…. wheeeewww…. But i still miss leo. Just wondering if the author would start on his love story
More than Claeb Cross I love Leo
Why have you dropped the book autHor Its so sad. Cant get to kNow the end properly. Please author, complete the book
Totally love what I read so Far. Absolutely close to the Real world. Ben and Riddhima are such strong perSonAlities. And Oliver and Greg are adorable yet So handsom….
Am quite fond of the characters and the book. Its based on today’s world. Nothing too much fancy, yet captivating. All the characters are intense and feel human. DesparAtely waiting for new chapters. Requesting author to WRite and upload. please!
I would feel bad for the muffin too??? In any case, was it a chocolate muffin??? Let me know author, if you read this. 🧁
Hugs at the end of a hard day are most wonderful 🤗
Count me in too