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The synopsis is really unique and it grabs the readers' interest quickly. Likewise, I also find the first few chapters hilarious, and I liked the trio' friendship very much😅 Great job! Keep on writing author👍😊
I like how this story has started. Although the author mentioned that the first chapters are being edited, I would like to say that it has potential. I also appreciate his vocabulary ('cause I have poor vocabulary hahaha), and the character development😅 Great job and keep writing!😊👍
What an interesting concept! The synopsis may capture anyone's interest in angels and I love how the author ties up the story together. I also love the character development in it. Great job author! Keep it up!👍 I highly recommend this😊
The story is really interesting. Just like previous reviews, the flow of the story is great and the characters are relatable. Great job author! Hope to read more soon :)
The novel is so good, even from the start. I'd never been this hooked to a main character so easily. Great job with the grammar and flow of the story! This is an amazing story
I liked how the author describes her scenes which makes you feel that you're actually the person in the story. The plot is also very interesting and I would continue reading this all the way. Hope to read more from you author!
I don't usually read novels which contains mysteries but after reading this, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys hidden mysteries. Great job author! Hope to read more from you :)
I like the female lead's strong personality throughout the story. This isn't like those typical romance novels where the "predictable" happens. This is highly recommended. Great job author! 😄