


Just an Otaku writing for fun.

2020-07-13 UnidoGlobal



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Ruined World (Dropped)

I want to write a cool synopsis, but as I'm not competent enough, here you go: In a distant world where no flora or fauna existed– in a world consumed by horrors, one young man survived. He fought and killed those horrors. The very creatures that destroyed the immense world and devoured every species in their sight couldn't defeat the young human that suddenly appeared one day. They were slaughtered, their flesh eaten and their blood drunken by the human. And in the end, the human made them all extinct. The world was left lifeless. The human who had memories of past lives wished to return to his own world and wished to free the one most dear to him from her prison aswell. So the human Dante, destroyed that wretched world and sacrificed it to warp through dimensions to go back– back to Earth. His powers got sealed in the process due to the recoil. Not lost, only diminuted. But on Earth, there was another surprise waiting for him. His moments on Earth were short as he was once more forced to another world, this time with countless others. But Dante wasn't fazed one bit. Watch as the man who had been reincarnated many times, one who had broken free of the limits of men, one who had embraced madness regains his former strength and goes even beyond. Witness as he finally breaks free of his "shackles"— of his curse. Witness him surpass his current and past lifetimes completely. Note: I'll try to maintain upload rate, and if I'm able to keep up with my schedule during some week, maybe I'll upload an extra chapter. (Due to my examinations being delayed, I have to continue studying and hence am unable to write more chapters for atleast 2 more months. Sry, and thank you bearing it till now.) Its my first time posting something that I'm writing and English is not my first language, so there will be spelling mistakes. Also, even though quite a few characters in the novel are Korean, I myself am not Korean. So, please forgive any discrepancies. Hope you enjoy.

Void_Watcher · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs