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It’s ten minutes away from the eastern end of the town. Far from the Baron’s manor, yes. But close to the town.
It was episode 2 (or was it 3?) of season 1. It is just before that season where Ainz obliterates those two ‘Seraphims’.
Because there was no real need to do so, prior to the wolf attack. And even that was sudden and unexpected. Before coming to this town, these men and women were simple farmers. The only ’battles’ that they’ve seen and experienced are limited to drunken brawls and friendly spats. It was only three months ago, that they heard about the war breaking out in the kingdom. A month ago, they were displaced from their homes and entered the forest. In the mind of the average peasant, the events that had transpired in these recents months are dubbed surreal. You could say that they’ve yet to grasp the complete reality of the situation, and that of the war surrounding them. This wolf attack and the death of the miners is a wake-up call of sorts.
It’s a reference to this scene from an anime called ‘Overlord’ (It’s this small and really obscure show. I don’t think many people know about it). Anyway, there’s a scene where this character called Gazef Stronoff says the lines quoted by ‘Jason’ to his men, while they face this insurmountable attack from the Slane Theocracy. Check out the show and the LNs. It’s great. I highly recommend it.
We are well past the halfway point and quickly approaching the end, I suppose. If I had to guess from my plot outline, the novel should come to an end at around the 530-550 chaps mark.
The developments have been subtle since the mid 300s, but yes. The romantic subplot has gained traction around chap 400 (a bit earlier if you want to be exact). That being said, Romance is not the focus of this novel. As such, there will be no heavy focus on it. There is, however, a lot of fanservice moments.
Not at all. It will recover as long as he provide it with soul power.
I assure you. Nothing about his character has suddenly changed. The note simply tells you that he will become a ‘better’ person through the progress of the story. Making fun of someone based on their looks, race, or habits, while sometimes funny, is a terrible thing to do. One must learn to exercise restraint and think before they speak. This is the lesson that Atlas will learn. The Author Note was merely a disclaimer requesting the readers to not be over by offended by his words, deeds, or actions and to remind everyone that these characters are FICTIONAL.
He INDEED does have M-factor within his body. (a paltry amount) However, while the hardware (body) is compatible with the world and magic, his software (soul) is completely unsuitable towards it. Atlas Constantine will never, ever, ever be able to use any magic.