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So it's not a perfect fit because every time he uses his power he shrinks or becomes emanciated?
Cute request? Hmm, this makes it sound like the Captain is only in it for the s*x and not a real relationship with feelings, just the physical.
"Spitting image of your mother", huh. "Spit and polish" ,ew.
Captain sounds very controlling, short tempered, and the very jealous sort. Not a good boyfriend.
The Center and the Captain should be disclosing this to all guides knowing the risk of taking their livelihood and compensation for life is in order. Maybe it's his military mindset (being on the frontlines) to just obey and never question.
Why did the captain not disclose something as life altering as draining someone of their power. It seems to have unintentionally happened before, but he intentionally withheld it this time, kinda of a bad guy move or ooc.
Releasing his face finally? Does that mean he'd been holding his chin/face, forcing the guide to look at him as they talked, that seems rude and disrespectful.
Sooo observant (*with sarcasm)
I don't understand why they couldn't just take the urgent initiative to retrieve the cctv
Hmm, I really don't think an ophthalmologist is the right doctor for dyslexia. Should be neuro psychologist and speech language pathologists.