

2020-06-16 UnidoCanada

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  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a DaoBestower_

    You would literally have to be able to read someones mind to Be able to tell if they are lying 100% anything else and there can be a major margin of error

    This, the Collector, as a warrior strain unequipped to deal with the minds of tinkerers or even to talk in any capacity other than battle cries and taunts, was entirely unused to, and it needed data to determine if this primitive and others like it were indeed speaking truth.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasia · John_Doever
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a the_Harlequin

    Literally did not delete any of my comments . getting delusional ?

    "You are meant to be a predatory species. Far beyond the norm of human. And judging from your genetic stock, possessing of a form like mine, and yet, you have been twisted against your natural being into something less.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasia · John_Doever
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a the_Harlequin

    You are the one inCapable of understanding... how hard is it to understand the statement that “prey often grow stronger and larger thAn their predators” tell Me what does that mean? Did i ever mention if they can get killed by predators? No thats your own delusions

    "You are meant to be a predatory species. Far beyond the norm of human. And judging from your genetic stock, possessing of a form like mine, and yet, you have been twisted against your natural being into something less.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasia · John_Doever
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a WhatACliche


    "You are meant to be a predatory species. Far beyond the norm of human. And judging from your genetic stock, possessing of a form like mine, and yet, you have been twisted against your natural being into something less.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasia · John_Doever
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a the_Harlequin

    Um no. thats the entire point of growing big. many tImes has fully grow “preys” become so big they are literally not hunted anymore by Predators instead they only attack younger, injored, sick, or old ones instead. not even a entire pride of lions can take out a Fully grown elephant, pods of orcas has never Sucsessfuy killed a full suzed bLue whale, etc.

    "You are meant to be a predatory species. Far beyond the norm of human. And judging from your genetic stock, possessing of a form like mine, and yet, you have been twisted against your natural being into something less.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasia · John_Doever
  • WhatACliche

    Nice 👍

    Ch 79 Subjugation of the King Slime
    The Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence
    Videojogos · Jarron7
  • WhatACliche
    These guys are already six years old and they are so dependable and hard workers, if I was like that in my past life then I would have become something much more than just a lawyer.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Videojogos · El_Don
  • WhatACliche

    Kekeke i already cannot reaD or write my first language

    About my first language, I kept writing notes with it and mummer it to myself, just to not forget who I am or what I once was, I wrote these notes in secret and they were about all what I could remember about the mods, lore, secrets and event's that will happen in the future, I had to keep the knowledge that I am sure it will be of good use in the future.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Videojogos · El_Don
  • WhatACliche

    Should be a 6 hour before 2 hour break instead of per say

    It is also noted to not use the device for more than six hours a day, and any more than that will cause the FDVR headset to forcefully log you out.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Videojogos · El_Don
  • WhatACliche

    Mass release???

    Ch 78 Big bouncy blue boss appears
    The Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence
    Videojogos · Jarron7
  • WhatACliche

    It is best to avoid unessesary blood shed. and if you think otherwise then thats the only exception to my belief and you can go off yourself

    Head Paladin Mcnamara managed to make a deal with the old lady named Gibson, they'd trade her bottlecaps, the current times premium currency and she'd let them scavenge in her backyard. Some of the members of the Brotherhood wanted to just take whatever they needed without bothering with her, but it seems Mcnamara hadn't lied when he said he wanted to find peaceful solutions for everyone.
    Steel Waste
    Videojogos · Niggross
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a WhatACliche


    Afton nods, "I see, thank you for you time sir." he says and gives a nod before beginning to walk away.
    Steel Waste
    Videojogos · Niggross
  • WhatACliche

    And you ahoudl never just shrug off your morels just because your situation as changed. if you do then you never had them to begin with and you were just searching for a reason to become a blood thirsty monster who deserves only death.

    Some wanted to bury the bodies as a sign of respect and regret for their deaths, but in the end they were burned to prevent predators, and potential diseases from becoming a problem. Afton still hadn't shrugged off his previous worlds sensibilities, so he was finding it hard to digest just how indiscriminate the Brotherhood was at removing threats.
    Steel Waste
    Videojogos · Niggross
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a john764

    Except these people aint even trying to kill you as they are doing something called RUNNING AWAY

    Afton kept watch around the convoy as sounds of guns, lasers, and screams travelled out from the building. It only took thirty minutes before ragged-looking people starting fleeing from the building. Some Knights and Initiates in the convoy were taking potshots at them, but all seemed to be missing... Afton wanted to make sure they'd not start spreading information that the Brotherhood of Steel had set up shop here, but when he aimed at the young men and women who were only a few years his senior, he wasn't able to force himself to pull the trigger...
    Steel Waste
    Videojogos · Niggross
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a ultimatecoom

    120 chapters is like 2 novels worth of reading. Literally no reason to read to that point just because “ it Get better”

    Nightmare's Call
    Fantasia · Get Lost
  • WhatACliche

    Yes delicate skin. wonder how tasty they are, truly delectible

    Their skin screamed of youthfulness under the sun. Their seductive curvy bodies and delicate skin were arousing.
    Nightmare's Call
    Fantasia · Get Lost
  • WhatACliche
    The girl was wearing a school uniform, but it was paired with a pure-white denim skirt, under which a pair of long legs were exposed. Her skirt barely covered half of her thighs.
    Nightmare's Call
    Fantasia · Get Lost
  • WhatACliche

    Yea he brought all his money... thats instant “your money gonna be stolen”

    Today, however, his elder sister's words kept ringing in his head. Lin Sheng reached for the meager ¥200 in his pants pocket, feeling a little depressed.
    Nightmare's Call
    Fantasia · Get Lost
  • WhatACliche

    Hema would be much better then kendo

    Time slowly passes, and now I am nine years old. I am an all-A-student in a decent school, I devote myself to athletics. Well, to whatever extent is it possible at this age. I go to a kendo club, which was very hard to find in the local community. I play the violin and piano ... I remember. I remember very well how I regretted these missed opportunities in my past life. I didn't want it… It's hard… I don't like it, I don't need it at all. And the adults said that I would regret it, but I was a child, then a teenager, youthful maximalism in all its glory! Now I'll catch up. And then I will regret something else.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Filmes · HPMan
  • WhatACliche
    Respondeu a Ice_Wielding_Ronin

    This man finna gonna catogorize all introverts as phycopaths

    Logically, his interactions with his previous parents would be the cause for his stunted ability to socialise, but he knew that was just an excuse... In reality, he just hated talking to people.
    Steel Waste
    Videojogos · Niggross