Just your average bookish nerd.
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Thank you so very much! I hope my story entertains.
I am wildly in love with the diversities of identity in this world. This is just more and more deep and rich with each new chapter.
Thank you so very much for the feedback. It means a lot to me. if you ever get the chance, it would help me greatly to have this review listed to benefit my book sales on Amazon. Again, thank you so much! https://***.amazon.com/dp/B08F81WW67/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_YD5uFbH9Y1JQK
How admirably selfless of Shuu.
What an incredible brilliant moment of an actually flawed character realizing his own flaws and knowing he needed to be better. It's so real and truthful.
Oh, that was gorgeously put.
Well duh, Alfonse! People only get that pissy about transactions if the stuff is drugs.
I'm right there with you
I'm there with you.