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Edit: the book does get worse the more you read.... The first 300 chapters or so are top notch though. A little too dark for my taste though. And especially far to female unfriendly, and I'm male.
But he has far more strength than a normal human...
yes... What is the difference between cost price and selling price of bullets, weapons, or a tank gearbox or whatever part is bought for whatever car, tank, chopper, plane etc.. Warfare is an entire economy on itself, and there are a select few making ridicilous amounts money from it. Especially since the money flows are far from transparent in these cases and questions rarely asked. Just do some digging in who owns the companies supplying the armies and it will tell you all you need to know lol.
Ok ok ok !! I get it, I get it... I'll back down 😭
That's nothing compared to my years of training!
hello fellow men of culture
yes... always the same lol. It could be worse though, some authors make their mc's test results utter trash, with 400 chapters of endless low iq unrealistic bullying as a result.