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Not gunna lie, the saiyan pokemon fanfiction was really interesting at the beginning until you realize that he is just a crazy a-hole. Yes, it was really cool that he was the equivalent of a legendary pokemon, but then it takes a serious downturn when he decided to essentially ntr Leon. Not to mention him getting dirty with minors. I can somewhat rationalize it when they are the same age but there not. Plus he’s overly forthright about wanting every hotgirl he sees. Lastly, when you think about it, it’s kinda scary because of how unreasonable he is. You say or do one thing he sees as making him lose face, he’ll essentially try and teach you a lesson or for some reason you’ll get face slapped. For example the Zacian and Zamazenta situation. TBH I actually wish someone would do the fanfic with the same idea without all the drawbacks.
Yo, I love the fanfic but I just haft to say as a horror movie fan, why? One missed call? It’s one of the worst movies of all time. I had to look it up to remember what it was.
Cool, still not for me. But thank for the spoon feeding I guess. While I’m not going to read it keep posting, most novels are only as popular as much as they are updated.
Based on what I’ve read this far, this novel is not very polished. In the beginning, he seems to have regained his memories, or at least understands that he’s been framed for some reason. He even has the whole migraine and falls over trope that happens in almost all transmigration storys, but then it’s revealed that he knows absolutely nothing about his past. This leads to situations where his only family member (his sister) noticing something is wrong with him. And to be frank I don’t mind a transmigration story where the main character doesn’t receive the predecessors memories. There have been a few storys that have done this successfully, but from what I’ve read this isn’t one of them. His sister finding out leads to a dramatic fight where he somehow convinces her that even though he’s not the brother she hated (yes, hated) over the years, she still needs him. A completely nonsensical development, or at the very least one I just can’t grasp my head around. Your brother you once loved who turned into a villainous dark mage over the years, killed your father and took over the house, making you live through untold hardships and is suddenly possessed. Because he said trust me because I didn’t hurt you, all is good? I’m sorry but it seems like the protagonist has already fallen into a game over. Why would she not seek help from others to oust her brother and take over as the new family head seeing as the entity is not even her brother. Beyond that, there are a lot of things that are just confusing in the novel left as mysteries for the author to reveal slowly over time, but because of how nonsensical the novel has been so far it just leads to me feeling annoyed. Congratulations for the author for making it to second place of the power stone category as of December 7th, but this novels is really not for me. I hope you find success and push through, while this novels is not for me I’m sure there will be others who find this a good read.
I’m not one to complain much about a fanfiction let alone a translation, but seriously, you gotta stick with the English names. You literally translating it to English. Your doing a great job at everything else but names are killin me.
It literally say 2-10 people is a harem
Has he already released the new Pokemon games?
Who’s head?
Thx for the chap
Love the plot twist. Thanks for the chapters