


Someone who enjoys a wide range of diverse stories and characters, but still sees the value in wishing for more. I don't like k*nk shaming, but I'm also not a fan of what I'm not a fan of, lol.

2020-04-23 UnidoUnited States



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  • EmpathicWan


    Villain's Endless Harem
    Fantasia · Dark_Knight_Spider
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a YOUNG_PSYCHOPATH

    You're awesome author, thanks for letting me know.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Shattered Vows
    Divorced my scum husband, Married his secret friend
  • EmpathicWan

    Is this story going to be purely yuri or is the man going to be involved somehow? I'd rather not get my hopes up for a yuri romance only to watch it turn into yet another man's fantasy so knowing in advance would be nice.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Shattered Vows
    Divorced my scum husband, Married his secret friend
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    I'm feeling better so I should have a chapter out sometime tonight or tomorrow.

    Ch 48 Her Puzzle
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a TartaurusPudding

    Keep in mind that Mari is just a young girl who's barely an adult by her world's standards. She doesn't have a good example of healthy romantic love in her life and it's her first experience with it. That desperate feeling of teenage romance driven by hormones on top of having trauma related to 'love' might be part of that discomfort. Or maybe I just like obsessive love stories (I don't. I really, really, don't if that wasn't clear from Lizabeth, lol)

    I made it abundantly clear to Venna that he and I were just friends, explaining to her his predicament and why we kept up appearances. I had noticed that she was getting nervous about how close he was to me and I held hope that it was for the same reason I might get envious if she had someone like that. She appeared relieved after I explained the situation and that got my hopes up even further.
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a BrabbitX

    More exclamations in your statements doesn't make them right. I already said she had a higher cultivation here, but that she *didn't* not long before. She suddenly became better in just a few short chapters. On top of that there's a clear indication that Qiao Guiying should still be injured by these attacks, but she's *untouched*. This is the poor reading comprehension I'm talking about. Levels only matter until the writer doesn't want them to matter. This isn't the only instance. I can tell your only concern is protecting your dignity so any conversation about it will just make your comments become more nonsensical. Please continue to enjoy this story, my original criticism was clearly not meant for someone like you.

    Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!
    Fantasia · DaoistDumbledore
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a BrabbitX

    Chapter 13 Spar: "You're one to talk! How did a mere 3rd Disaster cultivator like you come out utterly unscathed?! And a casual use of attributed Zhenqi to instantly shatter my Earth Shell!" While Qiao Guiying is technically better than her in cultivation level here, the author had her being comparatively weaker based on Xiao Hong's 'actual cultivation' not long before that. At least that's what the author kept trying to imply. On top of that her ability in her skills themselves should cause more damage to Qiao Guiying here. But the author doesn't care. Power, level, Qi, ability. It doesn't matter unless they want it to matter. I don't need to justify myself because your reading comprehension is poor. Just because you like it doesn't mean your defense of it is correct. If you enjoy it, fine. But don't ask people to dig through something to prove their own opinions to you just because you're upset they didn't enjoy it.

    Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!
    Fantasia · DaoistDumbledore
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a TartaurusPudding

    Thanks for your insightful comment! I really enjoy when my readers give me their honest opinions, and I find I actually agree with your points. As for Mari and Venna's relationship, well... I'll just repeat what I said in an earlier chapter. I have... plans... for their relationship. I have pretty strong opinions on what constitutes a healthy relationship and that will eventually be expressed in my writing. Thanks again for reading!

    Ch 46 Her Wager
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    It might take a while for me to get to it but there is a decent explanation. Well, I hope the readers think it's decent at least, lol.

    Ch 38 Her Wait
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan

    Seriously, please work on "there, their, and they're" In a sentence we use the adverb "there" to indicate a place or a direction. "We had to move over 'there' to go to school." We use the determiner "their" to indicate the possession of a group. "The family moved into 'their' house." We use "they're" as a contraction of the words "they are" indicating the action of a group. "The house 'they're' moving into is ugly." Simplified: Is it a place or direction? There Is it showing possession? Their Does breaking it into two words make sense in the sentence? They're

    Clapping, I signal for them to stop and Tanuki and chicken return to my side while the students slump down in sheer exhaustion with some bleeding, other having broken bones but other than that their ok, they just look really pitiful to look at that it hurts one heart.
    Reincarnated as a Fox girl in a cultivation world
    Fantasia · Kikin2006
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a sleepygood

    I've followed your journey through my novel as I've been writing today and I have to say your comments have been nothing but encouraging. I appreciate every readers comment and I want to thank you for taking the time to write something after you've read nearly every chapter.

    Ch 32 Her Guilt
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Yukina_Miu

    Thanks for the clarification. You should put that in the synopsis somewhere so someone else doesn't think the same thing I did. I'll delete my review now.

    SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden
    Fantasia · Yukina_Miu
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    As for the duel, earlier it was mentioned that it takes three strikes to win, but I didn't explain the rest of the rules clearly so you could just chalk the fact that it didn't end there up to 'stuffy noble honor and etiquette' and Mari being naive and kind. She's only 15 after all

    Ch 30 Her Duel
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    Your thoughts on why her mom might have avoided it even after she stayed are part of it actually. I don't like guiding readers towards any conclusion because I believe that part of the fun of reading something is drawing your own conclusions about characters actions, but in this case I think it's fine to explain my thoughts. Her house is primarily Patriarchal with her father's decisions being final. On top of that there's still a lingering fear and prejudice about a firstborn daughter. That kind of bias isn't solved easily. And then there was the explanation about Mari's name. Her mother was afraid to name her after the actual four leaf clover because of superstition. Keep in mind that there's still the fact that the decision to leave is ultimately up to Mari as stated in the clause in the agreement, so they can't know when she might decide to go. There's also another reason but that's a story spoiler so I can't say :)

    Ch 30 Her Duel
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Ender_Puppy

    gotta watch those swear words as the platform automatically censors them. I had to come to your page to see this. You can self censor by placing asterisks in the word. Like f**k or b*llsh*t. Thanks for the comment and like btw.

    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    I love your analogy, and thanks as always for your comments!

    Ch 28 Her Family
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan

    I wonder if anyone noticed or remembers the significance of the age of five in humans from a previous discussion between Mari and Venna?

    The relationship between Elaina and I became increasingly strained after that until Marisilea turned five. Elaina received a letter from the Kingdom of Feyris stating that they would be attending Marisilea's Magi Circle Ceremony and that, by the agreement formed between our two Kingdoms, their daughter would be her escort.
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    She's had a chance to see how Venna was treated. Before, she was trapped in the Duchy with no one to compare her treatment to, so she saw it mostly as something necessary. Now she has an example of someone else's life, so she doesn't view it through the narrow window of her own world. Sometimes people can be convinced that their poor treatment is the result of themselves or circumstances outside of their control, but if they're given something else to measure their treatment against and it's vastly different, they might begin to question things. I wouldn't call someone who views it as 'for their own good' delusional so much as brainwashed. That's just me being pedantic though, and not a criticism of what you wrote. Thanks again for your comments!

    Ch 22 Her Guidance
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a TartaurusPudding

    I haven't mentioned anything about her specific skills or inherent abilities. For now you can assume she's a very hard work and grasps concepts easily.

    The next week Mage Reginald showed up first just as my father promised and went over his goals for my curriculum. It was simple enough, starting with the formation of circles, standard practices regarding rune arrangements, rune memorization and carving, and finally practical applications and theories. He said that he would adjust the speed of things as he got a better understanding of my ability to comprehend each subject.
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan
  • EmpathicWan
    Respondeu a Onlyuri

    Thanks for the comment!

    Ch 19 Her Goodbye
    Lady Arkesh
    Fantasia · EmpathicWan