

2020-04-16 UnidoGlobal

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  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a Einlion

    is this the same path in epic or a different concept with similar name

    -The Path-
    Fantasia · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a jturtle2

    you keep correcting things that aren't mistakes, just writing styles I know this comment is like 4 years old bit it's really annoying dude

    As she wasn't in a particular hurry to get pregnant right now, Kenshin gave an understanding nod without commenting further on the matter. Instead, she moved off to the side after wishing Vahn well, knowing full well nothing she said could 'help' him overcome what he was about to face. As for Vahn, he gave a wry smile before rising to his feet and increasing the density of his body without compromising his mobility. He was given a ten minute rest period after his training with Kenshin and, with less than twenty seconds left, he wanted to at least make some preparations against the expressionless 'Purple Monster' staring at him from fifty meters away. She already had a set of spears in hand, one short, one long, both glimmering with a subtle light that made his skin tingle. Then, the moment his ten-minute 'break' had come to an end, Scáthach turned into a phantom as Vahn did his best to survive her onslaught for another three hours...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a Darquesse

    did you get this response from overly sarcastic productions

    Remembering the face of Artoria's niece as her own beloved mentor grasped her head in his hands, Vahn felt slightly nauseous. Even when Lancelot had begun to put pressure into his hands, Gareth had smiled with tears in her eyes, fully believing in the person she trusted more than anyone else in the entire world. The only thing she was awarded for her loyalty was the grissly sight of her face being deformed into mush as her brain and eyes were squeezed from her skull like a child kneading mashed potatoes. Though Vahn had seen a lot of terrible things, the look of betrayal in Gareth's eyes at the very end was deeply ingrained into, not just his mind, but Mordred's. Now, Vahn felt like he 'needed' to summon Gareth in the future while any intention he had of calling upon Lancelot, even though he knew the man was under someone else's control, was set aside almost indefinitely...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    I would be okay with a lil yaoi action

    This time, Scáthach's words had the apparent effect of a bombshell as Ishtar, Fenrir, and Nobunaga all showed dour expressions in response. The only one with a different expression was Astolfo who, for the last few minutes, was awkwardly smiling at the side as he suddenly felt like an outsider who had no place in the current conversation. Though he honestly wouldn't mind having some of Vahn's affections for himself, Astolfo knew the chances of such a thing happening were infinitely close to zero. Unless he accepted Vahn's offer to become a female, a thought that actually made him feel a little giddy, it might be for the best if he avoids the Sub-Space Orb when they return in the morning.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    these comments are crazy it's just a bi man chil out

    After having adapted to the background noise of Vahn's beating, Astolfo had kicked it off with Nobunaga very quickly. He felt as if she were something along the lines of a kindred spirit, even if their reasons were a complete contrast to each other. She reminded him a lot of her former comrade, Roland who, after being rejected by the woman he had fallen in love with, threw off all his clothes in a mad fit before rampaging around town. He went from being one of the most well-liked and noble amongst the Paladins to a man who would unashamedly engage in 'plays' which, at the time, were highly scandalous. Before Astolfo had managed to restore Roland's sanity by obtaining a [Bottle of Reason] from the moon, he had actually lain with him several times, the incident which caused him to begin dressing as a woman in the first place. Though they didn't actually have sex, Roland's possessive nature and 'greediness' in the bedroom were memories that brought a smile to Astolfo's face whenever he saw his reflection in the mirror. The hair ornaments he was so fond of had been a gift from Roland during the time of his madness, something that had become the irresistible proof of their friendship after the fact...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a watashiwavdesu

    I honestly love it tho, this new writing is great and vahn seems so much cooler now. he was still cool before but now he is more mature

    Having made his decision, Vahn inclined his head towards the sky before muttering, "The time to pass on the torch has long since passed...I wonder how desperately you will cling to it..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    I love this new style so much. it really shows how much vahn has matured now that he is taking in disciples

    Ch 1028 Push
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a BoostedKnees

    ein is pretty consistent with his former and latter use so.its prolyl just referencing how ouranos just kinda goes with the flow and wouldn't mind. eternal vows don't have to be romantic so I think that's what it's implying

    With Jeanne's assent, one of Vahn's concerns had been dealt with as, regardless of Helen's insistence, she wouldn't be able to force the issue if it was just the two of them. This meant Vahn would be taking on the final nine Floors of the Dungeon himself, vastly increasing the speed in which he cleared each successive Floor and guaranteeing he would reach godhood in the shortest period of time. At the same time, back on the surface world, Vahn would head to the Far East in order to meet with Amaterasu, hopefully securing an Eternal Vow in the process. With Kali and Ouranos as potential candidates, the latter of which could pretty much be guaranteed, Vahn would be able to meet the requirements for his Main Quest by the time he conquered the Dungeon...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    thank god, him having the charm skill always seemed unwanted even by him. I'm glad he was able to push it away with his new goals.

    While tending to Terra's 'instincts' back at the Manor, Vahn turned his attention to the other girls present, only to find Jeanne's face fully flushed while Fenrir had a small pout visible on her otherwise expressionless face. As for Helen, she showed absolutely no physical reaction at all and, if not for the fact her aura had flickered slightly, it would have been impossible to discern if she were affected. Even that wasn't entirely reliable, however, as Vahn's perception of the auras around him had been diminishing rapidly ever since his 'proclamation' about not needing to rely on such things. Since then, he could only see the auras of people if he were paying very close attention and, much to the surprise of the girls around him, his various 'charm' related abilities no longer existed at all. The only exception to this was the benefits he had received from Freya's blessing as he simply couldn't part ways with something he had received from a woman he cared about.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a keldarr_0280

    it's what the og author of danmchi does, ein is just being lore accurate

    As for other goddesses that Vahn had a budding relationship with, Kali had come to reside in Freya's Manor for a short while as the construction of the Amazoness community was still underway. Her Familia had yet to set out on their journey but it didn't stop her from having Vahn escort her over to spend time together beforehand. She wasn't allowed at the Manor just yet so she spent most of her time at the Coliseum with Ganesha, who hailed from the same Pantheon, whenever Vahn was busy. Seeing the various events taking place firsthand had been an eye-opening experience for Kali and, after bringing Hippolyta over to experience one of the major tournaments, both seemed far more accepting of the idea that it would become a national pastime for all Amazonesses in the future.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a Lelantos_014

    he still have 6 more

    Once the 10m tall tree had sprouted, Vahn was greeted by the ever-adorable Yggy as she popped out of the trunk with a slightly mischevious expression on her face. Vahn already knew what she was going to do so he kneeled down and allowed Yggy' to plant a kiss on his cheek, granting him the fourth boost to his [Yggdrasil's Champion]. Each boost had given him about a 2% increase to his Source Energy regeneration rate and, even though it seemed like a small amount, this made it possible for him to replenish his reserves in under twenty minutes. If she granted him all nine, it wouldn't be impossible for him to replenish his entire reserves in under sixteen minutes which, if combined with the Sub Space orb, meant he could be topped off in just 2.5 minutes. In actually, the [Yggdrasil's Champion] buff was slowly turning Vahn into even more of a ridiculous existence than before...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    how is a kitsune different for a renard, sorry if this was mentioned before.

    Vahn released a light chuckle, freeing Shizune's ear at the same time while the Kitsune in question released a small sigh and put on a pouting expression. Once again, against his expectations, Shizune turned her face away from him and just tightened her grip around him while she rocked her lower body in a circular motion. Since he knew what she wanted, Vahn finally unequipped his clothing and could now feel the moist fabric of Shizune's silk panties grinding against him while her soft butt straddled his member. She stopped her movements after noticing the change and, surprising him for a third time, began to gently suckle on his nipple as she traced her tongue around it...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a Strickland_Propane

    why do so many people think she is always doing it on her own, just because they aren't mentioned doesn't mean she doesn't have people working for her and informants for info. she isn't a one man army and has alot of favors to pull due to her nature. I just don't get this idea tha6 just cause it's not explicitly mentioned that loki doesn't have people helping her.

    Since then, Vahn had been sleeping in the same bed as the three girls, with Hephaestus and Loki often joining them. Tonight, as a form of parent-child bonding, Vahn had them all dress up in tiny bear pajamas and, being the Papa bear, he also wore a plush and comfortable costume as they all snuggled up together and went to sleep. Since they had been watching the entire broadcast, the girls were all very tired so, for tonight, Vahn had just been sleeping with them alone. Loki had a number of things to 'take care' of and, being the fiery and overprotective goddess she always had been, Hephaestus was helping out.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw

    so son, how's the gender going going you I found this so hilarious

    Alex and Vahn watched the small particles ascend towards the sky until Ina's presence had completely disappeared from the orb. With her departure, Alex released a small sigh and said, "All of my sisters are so cute. It makes me wonder if I should become a boy so I can protect them..." Vahn turned to Alex, raising one of his brows in curiosity as he asked, "Have you been thinking about your gender lately?" Alex nodded while flapping its wings to jump up to his shoulders, resting against the top of its Papa's head as it said, "It is very difficult to choose if I want to be a boy or girl, even though I know I can probably change it later if I want to. Papa is surrounded by so many girls already and, though I also want to be pampered, I think I want to become a strong man as well..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a Mozuto

    not nessacariliy, its most likely refering to her familia children or just people she has helped deliver babies for. she is a goddess of pregnancy so she has probably willing been a midwife for many many years to all species, not just goddesses

    Amidst the sounds of encouragement, Vahn made his way towards the Medical Ward with Preasia, Naaza, and Lili in tow. They all had an interest in practicing medicine while Preasia actually wanted to become a skilled physician in the future. Since they had received permission from Hephaestus and Loki previously, Vahn didn't have any problems with them assisting him while Epona and Juno would be advising from the side. Though Epona was more than qualified to deliver the children, she willingly took a step back in favor of Juno, inarguably the more experienced of the two since the latter actually had a Divinity related to pregnancy. In the sixty-odd years Juno had been in the mortal world, she had delivered several thousand children without fail.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion
  • nerdyravenclaw
    Respondeu a LordPocky

    this had me laughing f9r a a solid ten m8nutes, I freaking love Alton brown

    He had designed it to be somewhat delicate, like lingerie, but also very elegant at the same time. By the time he had finished the first pass, Vahn felt like he had actually just created a beautiful red corset, called a bodice, as he hadn't yet attached the gown or sleeves that would bring it to life. Since it wouldn't properly cover her 'bottoms', Vahn felt like the current form of the dress was strangely erotic and began playing with the idea of making the gown 'detachable'. Imagining Hephaestus wearing just the bodice, lace panties, a garter belt, and silk stockings covering her long legs made Vahn's heart palpitate powerfully in his chest. His mind was drawn to the beating of his own heart and he imagined the passionate look on her face as he removed the restraints holding the gown to her waist and resolved himself to make the idea a reality...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime e quadrinhos · Einlion