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Ga ga gah!
same here , but I think author will prove us wrong by revealing some of hidden mysteries of xuqing master
what is love
me too
Author, Everything is good except your over explaining things.Some things are self explanatory we don't need you to explain those. Forexample chapter 227 you have already explained what killer ideology is do you need explain it again.
the numbers of time he's shocked is getting rather annoying.Isn't he an adult?
man you mixed up all kinds of novels
The author is trying to incorporate both fictionnal spiritual energy and normal scientific principles. GOOD points: The story/plot is good. Characters are also neatly fleshed out. Cultivation also seems realistic BAD points: 1.So much plot unrelated to cultivation(like throne mission ,kinda seems like author got bored of his own story and suddenly decided to blow up the whole planet,not that i am complaining ,twist was good but if author already decided to blow up the planet why waste so many chapters on roan and rean planning on how take the throne and also recruiting quira by franden(dont know that names properly) its kinda dragged out.).Some events dont need to explained/dialogued detailed, summary would be fine. 2.Story pace seems to kinda slow.700 CHAPTERS but still both protag only reached nascent soul. 3.And pleasentaries should be cut down.So many dialogues its like a theatre script. 4.Author week point might have been physics. example: in 702 chapter he implied that due to low spiritual energy planet was cooled.Does that even make sense, please i know its fiction but still i felt dumb reading that.spiritual energy is supposed to be neutral how the heck planet started to warm up after spiritual energy restored.I always thought may be planet is so far away that planet was cool. 5.And regarding yin and yang its very have mixed several different cultivation systems and its hella confusing.Controlling yin energy to control different yin types of elements?but weren't they absorbing spiritual energy or elements? where the heck did the get only yin energy?.
big bang doesn't work that way there's no such thing as centre.Oh well since its fiction i'll read it anyway