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They said the youngest ever had been 25, but that could have been 15 years ago
I’v read 75 chapters and the first 50 were somewhat interesting, it feels like the author stopped telling us the actual development and just started making up numbers on the fly. New units from nowhere. Number scalling that doesn’t make sense. Underdeveloped face slap moments that feel empty. A weird romance element with a succubus that looks 14… overall, if you’r looking for a kingdom building experience, it will not be found here.
he's a baby. there is no measurable strength in a baby. if 10 is accepted as (Healthy adult) then 1/10th would be at LEAST 10lbs.
Everything he’s doing feels a bit rushed.
The Bible says many things, one is that God “loves” arrogance lmao
Unfortunately, the word of god as gotten a bit too watered down and most Christians wont be able to answer most of these questions. I pray that someday you will want to learn more about the things you’v made assumptionse about. Until then if you ever want to start reading the Bible, start in the New Testament and skip Numbers in the old.
No way would she have said that!
I don't think they are restricted to one a day, I believe the author is making the point that they probably send more than 1 and even 1 would be a TON
I'm starting to think that the dragons are going to be the evil ones...
he spent the whole night doing stuff, so resting for a day when injured is fine