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Reincarnated to ant in magic world evolve to human

Kelv was an enormous hunk that craved the love of a gentle family and hubby. When Kelv was a little potato he was a tiny psycho. He crushed ants and beetles because of his rough family teachings. Overtime Kelv learned the error of his ways after meeting a talking ant. The ants words were like a water waves and said,” little one become my friend and adventure together” Kelv was distraught but curious and spoke”alright!” With delight. Both the ant and Kelv ventured in mountains and swam in ponds to deep oceans with the ant on Kelvs back. They slept and spoke thousands of words about the memories and jokes that laughs filled the territories and woke up the bears hibernating. However, the ant soon awoke and followed the light of a cars front. Despite the small noises kelv woke up instantly and followed his ant friend. When the ant was crossing the road a red car was zooming across. “Bam!” Red blood spattered and the driver was surprised to find a dead human body on the floor. It seemed kelv took the hit for his ant friend to live. “ this is it, I lived a fun cherry life, my only regrets are that I couldn’t stay with the ant longer” god felt pitied for the little boy and allowed him to love a new life and grant him one wish. The boy said,” I wish to find love and live a calm life” the god nodded and kelv woke up as a new being with no knowledge of the new world. Here is the adventure of kelv and his evolution to a human and his discovery of the ultimate emotion, love.

veggies · Fantasy
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