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Hoping this book gets picked up, so can read more of it.
lory 😭😭😭😭😭
Definitely wont be looking like that!
You are definitely not alone
I know right! The celebration was more for the strangers than themselves!! And they were preparing for such a long time!! And didn't get to see in the very special wedding dress and ZLX in the normal clothes together!! I felt very bad that time, cause all the build-up for so long was crashed into nothing!!! I feel bad for themmmmmmmmmmm😭😭😭😭😭
the he and she's have again become harder to understand
Indeed best day ever!! Truly the updates from this story make up my day too..
Hurrey!! Author you are back in form, its been awhile that we had an exciting chapter. Thank you so much for this awesome update. Love you :*
I enjoyed it a lot, thanks author
so true.