Reading maniac
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When more?
Hey Author you alive?
what is lotm?
ughhh so anoying... I would buy the advanced chapters if webnovel wouldt be so over the top pricey you could buy physical copies of wonderful big and pricy books for the proce of just 50 andvanced chapters its insane to pay such money for the thing you wouldn't even own
Interesting book but i don't understand webnovel, constant infuriating decisions, tried to discontinue adds and free chapter from them for those that do not accept Cookies but it looks like the add revenue fell becouse of this as now i get the adds although i did not accept cookies, then discontinued all thee energy stone thing wwich ave 1 free pass and a lot of books with 30/40 or 40/60 chapters free and now after all this time they give us this sht: 10 free chapters from 90? who will be hooked enough to spend their resources on it after 10 free chapters you arent even able to review the story from 10 chapters... I thought of buying some webnovel coins recently, but this reminded me why I was so adamant to never spend money on webnovel just from spite from these bullsht policies... P.S.Anyone got raw name of this story?
(cen)turion: you called me?
Hey where the actual chapter author?