A writer who lives in Greensboro North Carolina and is obsessed with mythology. Find me on Twitter by searching @LucianoWrites
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They are the three vampire brides of Dracula from that 2004 Van Helsing movie,
There is not. It falls under the aegis of knowledge.
True! I have another story (not on here, on Questionable Questing) where the MC has Sorcerer Lord, Binder, & Archmage (along with others). But he bought the machine essence partially because he wants a machine-based ascension (TroyX's stuff).
Essence of the archmage is a very good essence, that solves a lot of problems. It's also gonna be gotten, eventually. It's definitely one of my favorites, the ability to teach anyone how to use magic is incredibly powerful.
Nah... He's definitely a vampire. And his vampire powers are like fairly explored throughout the story. He's done a lot of the vampire stuff. Now I get it if you are saying he's not done enough vampire stuff, I think that's fair, but like this mf-er is definitely a vampire haha.
Eso no es una coincidencia. Los horrocruxes son filacterias, básicamente lo mismo que usan los liches de Dragones y Mazmorras para seguir vivos incluso después de ser asesinados físicamente.
Essence of the Scholar *Perfect memory with infinite storage *Beyond genius level intellect, do calculations and process things faster than super computers. *Immunity to insanity and memetic hazards. "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know" becomes more of a guideline than a rule *Mastery of many sciences, even ones man has not discovered yet *Can reverse engineer anything with enough time. *Gain practically infinite trains of thought and ability to multitask. *Gain knowledge of any data storage device or book just by touching it no reading necessary, this effect can be turned on and off.
Appreciate you Paul!
I'm actually working on a rewrite! And yeah, that's a consistent problem for me. I'm gonna try to work on that in the rewrite.
When new essences get purchased, I'll post their descriptions as comments. So here is the new essence's description. It comes from part 1 of the essence meta cyoa, though I weakened it a bit. Essence of the Machine By taking this Essence, the line between man and machine is wiped away. After all, organics ARE machines. Just messier. * You become aware of every function in your body and state of health, while gaining independence from them. IE, you no longer need your brain to think. * You can detect, broadcast and receive any sort of signal, along any frequency. * You can control any mechanical or electronic device. * You can partition your mind to focus on multiple threads of thought, with no limit on the number. In addition, your thoughts can accelerate ad infinitum. * You can duplicate or transfer your mind into any device. * Your body produces a constant supply of nanomachines, which can augment your body in any way and repair/reinforce/upgrade any object. * At will, you can transform any part of your body into machinery and back again. * Any technology you have interacted with can be created by you and your nanomachines, even if it should not logically make sense or be possible. You also become a master of reverse engineering.