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Because its a light novel, donr expect realism. The excuse of “if he can think it why wouldnt he be able to do it” is extremely stupid, I can think of hitting a sniper shot across the world but i wont be able to do it. It seems another excuse is his reaction time? Why would that help him move faster?
Pls dont go no romance grandpa author.
Daddys money and daddys love. whats the difference?
Hell yeah
Haha i learned the answer in preschool. the answer is “the horses name was friday”
I thought no living beings?
Hes gonna turn into a pile of ashes kid
This novel is amazing, it has made me laugh many times and I had binge read it in just 2 hours. The only thing that I didnt like about the novel are the large amounts of teases, for a system practically based on *** you would think with all the chances he had he would have had *** already, however he really only does oral and then some dumb reason makes him unable to have ***. I rate this novel 9/10, a rating very high because most novels on this app are a 2/10. I guess in an app where the main page is filled with people who can barely speak english its pretty good but eh
The author has an amazing way with words. I respect you