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Sometimes I wonder 😅. But no, this is not dropped, I just have a bad case of very little time and serious procrastination. A new chapter will come… sometime soon…
But if I did that, I’d ruin my reliably precarious upload schedule 😂
Interesting. Thanks for the reply 😄
Truly getting scientific with these descriptions
Yeah, I think I agree with you. Even if it wasn’t bioshock, the thought of being trapped deep in the ocean with a bunch of death lurking around every corner is one that I personally would not like to come true and then experience.
Was Pokémon that violent? I guess the carnage was implied, but they never showed anything as they had to keep it open for all ages.
Found this from some of the author’s other works and binge read it in a day, it’s really good. Keep up the great work author and I’m looking forward to when you get the time to update again 😃