love of reading and typing
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bro preaching to the choir, make maybe 300 dollars when I sell a full grown cow, to a butchery after taking in the cost of raising them for on minimum 2 years, while they get on average $4.00 per lbs on just bargain ground beef, 10-150 dollars for steaks ranging from 2.0z to 34.0z for poor quality, when on average they get 600-840lbs of meat.
yes, used to do larger ones during my late night drunken college nights tbh
that seems a little uncalled for, it's only been a few days since the last upload
tbh maybe three thousand words.
it's ridiculously expensive where I live because of living in a rural area, heck I didn't even get cell service at home until a few years ago and even now it's not something you can really depend on.
yeah, I'm not really sure about the last chapter to be honest it was supposed to be apart of 13 but then when i was copy and pasting it from my docs to here only half the chapter pasted and I didn't realize it.
the show yes, the movies no, they're perfect I'm not touching them lol...other than making an insert to replace Butters...
Melenor on the right
diversifying is key in case anything gets taken down.