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Give it a read 📚 , only way to know whether the book is good or bad. Everyone has different tastes and opinions on what they like and expect. As for me 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
It's a great book and worth the read! Give it a try if you are interested.
what are you to the author of a certain novel of somewhat related characters' names? 😅🤣😂characters and background seem a bit similar. 2 half brothers (old and young), 1 blood related older sister, 1 little half sister. Both novels seem to be Royalties. MC mothered died let say due to the Queen cuz she is a maid/servant of the King. hopefully, this is different, and no, I have not read these chapters yet.
make = mate or can use "make babies" 👶 😏 😆 🤣 😂 joking
wrong name 😲
get some? or mine some? or gather some
downstairs = down
bedside = beside
I'm = am I