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Stan is is not there uncle he is there grand uncle so they call him gruncle stan
Can not wait to read more it’s very well written
The story is very interesting and I do like the premise there are some mistakes such as calling McGonagol the vice principal her title is deputy headmistress calling Neville’s toad Ralph when it’s name is Trevor and calling the house cup the academy cup instead I’m not saying it’s not a good fic it is I just taught I would point these things out
Can not wait to read volume 2 this fic is really well written there are some bits with the grammar but not very noticeable overall very good quality writing
am I the only one who read x-mas as x-man
for some reason I read this as stretched his booty
keep up the good work this is one of my many favourite fanfictions I am especially into game thrones self insert and I think this is one of the best
one of the absolute best fanfictions I've read in the last while with actuall well written dialog and good grammar I dont know how many fanfics I've read that have good ideas but were excited poorly because of the dialogue or the grammar which made them unreadable but this is excellent and very well written
really enjoying this story hope you continue to write it and hope to see what happens when ward gets out and what he does with luffy's powers and can not wait for Whitehalls reaction to the fact that shield has information on him and how he got his powers