Just a dude who like reading.
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I was about to be all like, hey don't you need someone's permission to use their likeness and then I remembered. China.
You kicked down the door to someone house and try to kill them even if they were trying to live as peaceably as they could a dimension away only cause a quest told you to. You are bound to any goddess, but boy are you bound to a System.
This author logic bothers me at times. Humans natural enemies are other humans. You don't need a special dietary restriction to be an asshole.
nah lilith came before, twas the first woman made to serve Adam but rebelled refusing to serve a man so she was cast out of eden and cursed. she eventually became syncretic with succubi and the like.
Yeh need to declare it is now special fluffing time.
Silver Moon Demon King, "Bruh."