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the writeing has been bad the last few chapter the story still good but hard to understand as there alot of mistakes
This chapter is translated bad
i like it. the set up is ok i want to kown more aboult him. he has a good mysterious back ground with alot of thing happening it give you more as you go along and it keep me interested. it watching all the people trying to figure who and what he is that made it fun
valera should be lvl 14 as he got her at lvl 6 not at lvl5 as he jump two lvl back then and she ment to lvl up as he lvl up
dam she lvls up with him if he did not jump from lvl 4 to lvl 6 he could of got her when he was lvl 5 then she would of been lvl 13. i would be kicking myself because of that i kown it could not be helped but still feel like a lost as she would of got to lvl 100 easier as it harder to lvl up the hi er you go.
were the exp for the hero kill