de leitura
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let's see, she is shown to be cute but sexy, childish but motherly, selfish but selfless, uplifting, and cheerful. then we have her mythos, the goddess of hearth and home ( loving), plus there is no possibility of any questionable or off-putting things from her millions of years past. But I put hephaestus as a close second.
I see your points but the shinobi villages are militaristic meaning insubordination can lead to justifiable dead and anbus are the hokage special force your telling me he could not find 2 if not a single album to raise him not to mention kakashi as he is just comical but IT IS YOUR STORY.
it seems he forgot that he simply has to make sure the goku and everyone wins and then they will be revived. the main character seems to have little emotional and mental strength.
you are confusing a genocidal manic with killing in defense and killing a murderer. I maybe a psychopath but I have no hesitation with this and in real life this could be the difference cause the death of your love one or your own life. killing is not hard, living with your action is.
I meant if nami was getting beaten with them would they still do nothing .
are you seriously comparing what happened to shanks to what happened to luffy and zoro.Shanks never got touched and they were BLEEDING FROM THEIR HEADS AND FACES the only thing that I respected was that zoro followed the stupid order. imagine if nami was with them would they still do nothing 😳?
😆 🤣 what hiruzen did to naruto was pure evil. ok you don't want the information to leak but there are other ways like make an anbu couple adopt know the kid was starved for attention and nutritional food but you did nothing to help him.
lol it seems like even captain America maybe just as fast as him. so that would be enhanced and not really superhuman especially in a world WITH SUPERHUMANS
why take one of the most talented characters give him a system and the worry about making him too overpowered.
chinese authors have no chill lol. referring to the man using his physical defects.