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Got to chapter 86 and decided to stop. The novel should be called "The boring life of a transmigrated dude", until chapter 86 the novel was a nothing burger, idle chat, labyrinth grinding, random edgyness out of nowhere, young masters being introduced, that's it. I almost dropped it earlier, but the thought of a novel like death march without a beta mc kinda hooked me, too bad it's nothing like that. Also, locking the reason for the name of the novel behind hundreds of chapters? good luck with that, the quality has to be very high to keep readers interested until that point, and the payoff for the class has to be immense.
Everything was perfect, a fun binge read, a harem novel that is an actual harem novel and doesn't branch out into another genre midway (...), a novel with good character development, i've been waiting to catch up before leaving a 5* review talking about the characters, interactions and how great it was, but sadly, around chapter 610 the author decided to throw everything he has built into the trash and went full retard. I feel cheated, i feel like a clown who has wasted his time, precious time i will never get back, you're disgusting.
Absolutely love how useless webnovel has become, you can't even BEGIN reading a novel because by chapter 30 you'll get paywalled, don't know or care if this is the author's or webnovel's fault so just in case i'll wish the worst to both sides, thanks for nothing dogs.
Binged it in a couple hours waiting for something to happen, and when something was about to happen.. surprise paywall. Listen, you might be doing this as a job and that's great, but from the reader POV it's a pos move.
betacuck POV
Very annoying reading experience thanks to the childishly petty mc, the girls instantly falling in love with him just by meeting him and the overall disrespect shown by the mc, oh and the novel needs some proof-reading. The dna system is broken but it's also really interesting.
gave it a second and last chance and was really enjoying it, especially the soul being and how you could feel the aura of uncertainty during the beginning of the island arc, but at some point the idiocy of doubling down on the same dumbass joke that you already know your readers don't like became unbearable, at this point it's pretty much confirmed that it's a provocation to the people who don't like it, if you're so tough then stop bitching about people "misunderstanding" and take the criticism like a man.
Man what a disappointment, i gave this author a second chance after the "cursed gamer" disaster but looks like it was a bad idea. The most annoying thing about this novel isn't the zoomer/reddit wording, the long walls of text saying nothing or the character mashup, it's the mc. Listen, you can't write a Li Qiye on steroids kind of character and then keep him as a weak ant, it just doesn't work. You've been jerking him off since chapter 1, hyping him up as if he was the alpha and the omega, but instead of that we got a kid who likes acting though but at the time of action gets either blueballed or saved by a third party, wherever he goes he has to keep his head down like a beta to not provoke stronger people.. are you telling me that a being of this level wouldn't feel in constant danger because of how weak he is in his current vessel? that he wouldn't focus on getting strong before starting to flirt with girls? i've read 70+ chapters and his feats so far are killing a furry, an old man, some grunts and a rat! if you told me this mc was actually the "canon" Aqua with a system i would've believed you.
you had me hooked and completely intrigued until chapter 19.. listen, at this point we barely know anything about the main character, there's a hunter coming to kill him and he's getting stronger, but your decision is to introduce a mary sue and have her toying the mc around, killing any hype and tension built up! if she didn't tell us from the get-go about wanting to be friends with him we would've been worried about how his first supernatural fight would go, and then would be surprised by how he got a strong ally, but no, it was just an ability showcase/exhibition. wish there was an option to leave a review without score, find it kinda unfair to rate a novel based on 19 chapters, guess i'll leave a 5* to not ruin the rating with such a low quality review.
As a kid-mc hater i honestly didn't expect this novel to be good but have to admit the writing is very entertaining, specially considering how the mc has no goal (crafting a body was a temporary one) and just exists to be annoying, gave me some Xu Que from The Ultimate Scheming System vibes (Xu Que is annoying because of the system, i know) But sadly i'm dropping it because i'm not into yuri, yeah it may be a just harmless joke (a suspiciously recurrent one) but i'm not taking any chances. Also sorry but i can't respect the choice of "trading" his eyesight to create a body for someone who's not even from his family, i'm sure he will recover it later but lets pretend he doesn't, no matter how you put it, he's blind and will remain blind until his last days, meanwhile the god will be enjoying life.