Lost Souls Found Eduard is a human/vampire hybrid. Believed his mother died at birth. When eighteen, in the 1600s, several females attempted to kill, one tried seduction and successfully "murdered" him, along with two brothers and two females who'd accompanied them.
Yet, Eduard survived.
Fast forward to present time, he's aware of people seeking him, but many memories vanished when his humanity died. Now he's constantly seeking a safe refuge with other foundlings he's managed to save from unsavory deaths.
A motley collection of were-beasts, vamps, and other creatures of non-human origin. They're all loyal to, and guard him fiercely. However, they're confused by four people who're looking for Eduard, but not to kill, rather to reunite with him.
As it turns out, his brothers Thorn and Jonah, and the two females, Rose and Jessie survived. What is their purpose in reuniting with him?
Draeme_Saekyr · Fantasia
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