Books kill my productivity. Beep boop
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A bit of both I'd reckon.
Wow, how reasonable....
And because 18 is usually the time you start getting your first job. Good grief, if your parents don't kick ya out the door, either off to college or out into the real world to work, it almost feels like some sort of domestic abuse or something. Treating a perfectly healthy person like a toddler after age 7 or 8 is how reality tv shows get made. smhtbhfam.
Merry Christmas! 🎅
You can live much longer than 5 days without food. Starvation is a slow and agonizing death.
light power generator? maybe?
An excellent story! One of the best I've had the good fortune to stumble upon while randomly looking for something to read. The pacing is excellent, the character and world design is well thought out, the update speed is up there with the best, and other than some minor grammar and spelling errors the writing is solid. 10 out of 10, I'm about to read it again.
Thinking out loud is a shockingly excellent way to organize one's thoughts. it's also a shockingly excellent way to get called a crazy person. :^)
Is it finished yet?
I'd use restless or agitated instead of unrestful. Love your novels, ya do a stellar job!