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Welcome back author glad you didn't drop this story
Thanks for the chapter i have a few suggestions for the MC. I think the mc should re recreate Piccolo special beam Cannon and Lexus Thunder Palace from Fairy Tail. Have gauntlets made from Chakra metal with Ninja wire sealed inside. Maybe have him awaken rainbow chakra in the future.
thanks for the chapter author looking forward to the next one I hope that unless someone has permission they won't be able to use the talismans in the future. Wondering how the Justice League and the team will react when the mc uses the oni mask
Thanks for the chapter author I wonder who will be the first Speedster in the Marvel Universe Peter goes up against. If it's Quicksilver that means the spider family will probably working with the X-Men or if it's Speed Demon then that we're going up against the Squadron Supreme
Have a Merry Christmas author thanks for the chapter. I hope Spider-Man and Nightwing will meet devil dinosaur before they leave the Savage land and try to sneak him aboard the ship.
Thanks for Mass chapter release author
Thanks for a mass chapter release author I was wondering do you have an idea for a Hephaestus's love interest. I vote for Queen Hippolyta
Thanks for the chapter author I hope they expose Jameson later as the one who hired kraven. I don't know about anybody else but this chapter made me think about the Scorpions origin in Spider-Man the Animated Series
Thanks for a chapter author glad Harry didn't have to face his demons more than once to win. This chapter made me think about what will happen to Norman and Winter Soldier when Hydra finally Falls. I wish Captain America luck in trying to keep Bucky from being locked up in the future. His going to need if Tony and the spider family are after them and Norman I don't see how he's not going to go to jail for murdering Peter's parents and all the other crimes he committed for Hydra.
Honestly I wish there weren't so many stories where Peter and Harry fall in love with the same girl. It be nice if they put some new love interests in.