


Likes cats and rainy days

2019-07-24 UnidoGlobal



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The Capricious Reincarnation of a Villian

They are neither gods nor spirits. Such entity exists within the infinity of space and time. Situated in the modern era following the life of a teenage boy named Azriel Edward, who is having a living hell of a school life. No friends and bullied by his schoolmates, Azriel did think to end all his suffering, not when his life turned 360 as an unknown person offered him to end his suffering but with the cost of his freedom. It all started on a whim to take revenge but as Azriel falls deeper into this mans’ world, circumstances way beyond what he expected might be worse than the previous hell he had been. Miserable. Lonely. His brain sometimes stops thinking. Feeling lightheaded like his being separates from his body. Maybe because he just accepted it, Like when your beliefs got crushed on after seeing the reality head on. And it was so fast that you can’t even think of how to face it. After another crushing defeat, you’ll get tired eventually and just let those pieces fall in the ground. One after another. Azriel follows a truck coming at high speed on the road where he was facing. Maybe he did not accept it. A reality without any beliefs, he did not accept it. And it felt like, he’s just falling infinitely from a building waiting for the ground to break his body apart. Waiting… His feet move, and the truck driver who’s losing from sleep didn’t notice the person in front of him. “Hey kid!” Azriel opens his eyes, He saw an image of an angel, with long heavenly wings and a majestic face. The man lets him down his arms, And the light from the street lamp showed the creatures true form. “what are you?” “I’m Acrasia, the embodied desires of human.” It’s as if he had seen a greek god, with its black wings and sculptured body. The man who named himself Acrasia changed its form into a human being. “I will save you, so offer me your desires...”

xuxumina · Fantasia
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9 Chs