A rondure or a palisade, your everything enclosed. Outside, an abysm, the looming consternation of insignificance.
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Yea… That’s honestly fair. I more specifically meant my father tho. He most definitely has the money to afford things but still does this anyway
Yea, the first sentence is absolutely a run-on. Needs to be made into multiple sentences.
Ah yes, the most important of experiments and totally not a plot device so obviously erected by the author to drive the reason for the mc’s hatred of humanity.
Dont think any sane human thinks like that but sure
I cant wait to be dissapointed once again :)
I certainly didn’t
Also, the natural process of Phloria’s character development in this novel has always seemed unnatural to me. how does she go from a spoilt brat when lith first met her, to the “most grown up” out of all the main characters, especially when she has little no no life experiences which may facillitate this delicate but arduous process. It makes no sense to me and it feels completely artificial! The author manufactured this grown up character as a plot device to move lith’s character along on the path towards redemption. What a complete flop!
And also, I do see a therapist and not for any reason you might believe. I’m not an evil person nor am I sadistic or morally abhorrent in any way. i simply have strong feelings toward certain characters that often are inflamed by their actions and the knowing author sitting behind them. i would be a bit more understanding if these were real events as there would be no grand orchestrator behind them. However, there is and it makes it all the worse when i think about some of the sh*t he has writeen in this novel.
Perhaps killing her is a bit overreactive, I just wish she was... Different. Even after reading another few hundred chapters she doesn’t get better in anyway that counts and the author even makes it worse by throwing some random woman into the mix. Completely useless plotwise and is a literal plaything for lith so that he can feel “normal”. Needless to say i dropped this novel at around chapter 600 and don’t plan on coming back. The author is disagreeable and prideful about his work which is a nasty combination. It makes one resistant to constructive criticism and outright hateful towards destructive criticism. I’ve talked to him on Discord before and that’s how I’ve deduced this.