

2019-07-12 UnidoGlobal

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  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23022 days ago

    Will the MC find the lion turtle that Aang found in the future? for information that specific lion turtle was a fire lion turtle

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23022 days ago

    You like game of thrones?

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23022 days ago

    One thing I remembered was that although the spiritual world is not the world of the dead, people with enough spiritual affinity go there when they die, as is the case with Iroh

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23022 days ago

    If the MC from Avatar The Legend of Korra got into a relationship with Korra would he be her first boyfriend or would he be after Mako? I hope he's the first

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago
    Respondeu a PcaNovels

    You're welcome

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago
    Respondeu a PcaNovels

    I don't doubt that, but it would change a lot of the story right at the beginning, since being an airbender at that time is very flashy, not to mention that it's quite obvious that the philosophy of air nomads wouldn't work very well with an MC of yours, since the culture and way of thinking to take airbending to an incredibly high level is not something very interesting for history, for example sub-bending flight requires you to abandon any material attachment, something basically impossible coming to someone in our society since among things materials includes people you love which would basically destroy any romance involving the MC, not to mention the whole "all life is sacred no matter how small" thing and non-violence, I know it's not necessary to use that ideology to use airbending, but if you want to reach the pinnacle of this bending, you need to embrace this way of thinking, so I still think it would be better for MC to be a waterbender, even if he isn't born in the same pole as Korra, that would still give the It's one thing to establish a faster Korra relationship since they both have a similar culture

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago
    Respondeu a PcaNovels

    hmm, good point, if that's the case I really hope the MC doesn't grow up with Korra after all she would be the person I would consider the ideal romantic partner for a Korra avatar fanfiction and I think you have the same thought as you said that the MC prefers not to grow up with Korra because it will generate all this drama

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago

    You said that you were unsure whether the MC in the avatar Korra fanfiction should be an airbender or a waterbender, I think that him being a waterbender is better in this situation, it's better after all, in addition to having the possibility of meeting Korra early on, waterbending is much better for combat than airbending, after all, there are many more forms of attack since there are several waterbending sub-bendings that can be used, while airbending has its sub-bendings focused more on evasion and not combat like flight and astral projection, in addition the MC being an airbender would make him young as he is the son of tenzin who is the only airbender alive along with his children or the MC would be without bending most of his life until harmonic convergence not to mention that if the MC was in the latter case he would have to be from the earth kingdom since it was only in this nation that the new devar benders appeared for some reason

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago

    If the MC from the fanfiction The Legend of Korra was born in the same pole as Korra would he actively try to make Korra fall in love with him or would it be something accidental?

  • Lucas_Oliveira_2302
    Lucas_Oliveira_23023 days ago

    Does the MC really think Ozai will keep his word?