I'm a person who loves to fantasize about what life would be like if I were an anime character. So i write books to satisfy my desires! Check me out on Twitter for updates on my novels! @Ange4261
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Just another day in the life of Truck-kun
Heartfelt sympathy for the boys parents-🤣🤣🤣
.....author-xiong.... dont u think this is a bit much?
....im pretty sure itd be scum villains self saving system all over again🙃😂
Lol iS it just me or does the system sound too entertained? XD
Fog, dense fog, utterly impenitrable fog.
*pats ur baCk in pride* you do you!
Dang based on MC’s personality, I thought heD Change his name to ‘i am the empress’ 😂😂
....i thought he was oBsessed because of how he looked like a wronged beauty.... but now ur saying he knew about the acting?.... doesnt fit for some reason but okay.