Kimetsu no Dragon
By: Phantom_Zero_v2
An otherworldly entity enters the land where demons prowl at night to feast on humans. This entity's race was known as Saiyans, who were now obliterated only few survived.
And now, he accidentally landed on a planet which he knew its a little bit of future fo being busy in his life.
How would he save this world depends on him. With his knowledge and a lot of things.
A 12-year old Shinikazuchi Raikon, also known as Raiden, was wandering throughout Universe 7 in order to better his skills in Alchemy, Magic, and Medicine. Now, that he landed in a Planet that he knew what will happen in the future, he decided to help Tanjiro and also try to learn and master all possible breathing style he could. This is a Spin-off from the Main Series.
Phantom_Zer0 · Anime e Quadrinhos
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