Twinkle twinkle little stars, I want to hit you both with my car, throw you up a cliff so high hope you break your neck and die.
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Think of your own body, you can see and move your limbs, but can you see your muscle fibers and individually control them?
After it evolves it might, hehe.
UPDATE‽ Not enough chapters for a proper review.
Nevermind tried mass machine translation and it ended up being something already been reading.
I've read your other novels and they are awesome, but why is this one written in german pls translate.
Creation only occurred once, while destruction is a constant.
It's grammatically incorrect but it's comedically correct.
Men don't grow up they only grow older.
Is this dropped? Grammar was good, expression was also good, concept was the best though storyline was a bit all over the place. Here's hoping you'll continue.