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Junior knight ? hadn't he advanced to a great knight a while ago using the potions?
Did at some point the SCPs started to affect reality or is it all just VR shit?
Isn't Smoker from the East Blue? He was in Loguetown the day of Rogers's execution , probably born there too
You are asking Kishimoto to write women characters, just be thankful that they all didn't get fridged
Unless this is the new snape version he just gave her poison right now
Was going to read this because it had potential but then saw this and it's an instant drop
What level of bullshit is this? Its getting Chinese novel levels of ridicule with all those changes
I hope so too, I don't get that weird obsession that a lot of authors have with cuckolding characters
The Mirror demon guy ?
That's why I said Shinra Tensei or Susanoo because just one strike of those would be enough and he might be able to save some time fo the card