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Much better than your average football story on this site. The MC is a manager, that is given a system and needs to take over a struggling but somewhat decent Roma side. There isn't many chapters yet, but stylistically it has potential. The interactions between characters feel alot more realistic than most novels in this category, my only gripe would be finding the right balance on how to pace the novel. Certain scenes make me wonder if they really needed to drag on as much as they did, but that may just be my personal preference. Otherwise keep up the good work.
Could also buy a low pyramid team and get them quickly up the pyramid before selling them off for profit.
Could recommend players to Jorge and try and get a cut. Would also help if Jorge had more world class talents signed so that when he found a club he would have more options. Also would improve his relationship with the players even if he doesn't sign them to Roma. Could only be a good thing. Could also go to some event and be approached by some start-up company that needs funding and in the future they could do well. The best way to earn money would be to capitalise on his ability to identify which players have high potential ceilings.
If they start fresh in another galaxy with improvements in ftl and communications as well as not having to manage a cripplingly large galaxy spanning empire, they could do quite well. Even the religion isn't that much of a detriment its more the effect it has on science and that it enables influential people to use it as a means of enabling their own corruption.
In general yes. But for a space marine, they'd probably see it more than you'd think. Especially during a serious Tyranid incursion.
Whats left of it jejejeje
Not surprising with what they have to deal with, not exactly conducive to a peaceful civilisation.