


I love to read novels & started gaining intrest I think in future my part time job writting fantastic novels. Making people happy when they see my new updates of my future hypothetical novels

2019-05-08 UnidoIndia

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  • lao_tie
    lao_tiean hour ago

    author I am your writings fan from bottom of my heart. I don't know why readers of mingshen novel is decreasing. but I swear I am waiting for it patiently. You can take your time but pls don't think of hiatus. it will be heartbreaking for the readers who love you so much. same goes with jin story don't take so much load. if you take so much load then How is your brain going to work in creating amazing novels. also pls don't put much pressure on your health. it will also directly affect your creative mind. The other reader idea is better for you to 1st finish jin's story then continue with our doctor & spicy ~ loads of love from your loyal fan.

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a obsessedWithWolves

    😂that was quite a coment I hope so I don't hate you for lying to me if there is fl involved with 2men as I really read novels with my heart into it. I hope then u are not just saying this to make me read your novel & as I love fantasy I will give it a try but don't blame me if I couldn't give you amazing coment 🥺😅😂.

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a obsessedWithWolves

    Hi author I wanted to ask if Fl is involved with 2men physically plz can u tell me as I wanted to give this novel a try?

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a BBJ1111

    hi can u plz tell me if the FL is involved with more than 1 man in novel as I am really intrigued by all the reviews. plzz can u tell me? as I am fan of fantasies 😓🥺

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a The_Procrastinator

    hi can you tell me if the FL is involved with more than one man physically plzzzz. Or is it a reverse harem plzzzz can u tell me?

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a Parisian_Moon

    author if I you can answer this question for me plz as I really intrigued by the reviews as I am big fan of fantasy novels. But is the Fl Or Ml have another partners physically as well plz author can u tell me?

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a anna_kanina

    but that means she may have? 🙁

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a anna_kanina


  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a anna_kanina

    is the ml goes to other women too(physically) I hope u understand what I mean & is the fl has to be with other than our ml physically as she has to go to the prince as per the synopsis plz tell me this 1thing as I hate reading novels with mls & fls involve with others sexually also I liked u're synopsis that's why I asked u this question if u can tell me this then of course i can happily read your novel😊

  • lao_tie
    lao_tie3 years ago
    Respondeu a ARASAKAZ

    Is this story has cheating?