I'm a dog and cat person
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It's not pretending. It IS your fault.
So you think that means he gets to sexually assault people with no consequences? Put his hands on them? Accuse them of things they never did? Abuse them? Nope. That's sad and all but still not an excuse.
You think you're good to her? 🤨
It's actually the exact opposite. O can donate to anyone, not receive. It can only receive O. AB can receive all types and A and B can each receive themselves and O. All + types can receive + or - blood, while - can only receive -. O- blood is the universal donor. They can give to any of the 8 major blood types but can only receive O-. AB- is a rare blood type for someone to have, but not as difficult to source for blood as O-.
If she's O-, while it's less common than AB-, it's a universal donor, not acceptor, and can only accept other O- blood. O- blood type accounts for only about 13% of the population. At least the author didn't say AB- blood which can accept literally ANY negative blood type of the 8 major blood types. So sick of seeing that. Yes, AB + and - are rarer, but sourcing blood for them is FAR easier.
O- blood isn't super common in reality (~13% of the population has it) and it's a universal donor but can only accept itself. If they're going to run out of one type of blood, and it's that one, any O- person is in trouble. 😅 Anyone else that has one of the 8 major blood types has at least two options: O- and their own type.
There are some that are rarer but of the 8 main types, AB- is least common. AB- isn't that hard to source blood for though. It can receive any negative blood type, AB-, A-, B-, or O-. O- can only receive O- blood but every other blood type (of the common ones) can receive O- blood.
to see *her
Hope you're well, author. I think of this novel frequently and fondly. All the best! ☺️
Identical twins actually have identical DNA. They would have to check against her potential father's DNA to know. I agree that they should do that though.