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Thanks for the chapter!
I known murderer terrorist child abuser and a bully to children should never be anywhere with children at all. Just shows you how dumbledore ruin their education
Bad business practices
One number one never date co-workers or people you work with.its bad for business
Still a murder and terrorist along with child abuse and a bully to children, which lily should knows this and would not forgive anyway
Story is great and different from other harry potter and Pokemon crossovers. Keep up with the great work and looking forward in how Magnus changes the world with his knowledge of pokemon!
Great fix and unique! Looking forward in reading more to come!!!
Thanks for the chapter! He should probably create something with sealing that can bind people to a contract so that can’t cause harm to his clan and future village. Also, barrier sealing around the village were they all have to wear something or have something tattoo on them(like fairy tail guild mark) to enter the village that recognizes there charka signatures/dna sequence for safety. Better safe then sorry.
Thanks for the chapters
thanks for the chapters!!!