

2019-03-24 UnidoGlobal

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  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna17 hours ago

    I thought... Wow. We gonna have something interesting. No. It's shitty translation and Chinese author is pig. Imagine rapist mc... His only character trait is being scummy rat. Translation is poor too... Names are mixed together. 'Translator' doesn't get difference between family name and name. Thanks to that we get Hinata Okina or Rizu Hiashi. It's weird because sometimes it's correctly translated and sometimes it's not. 5 star review is probably some google translating dude or poster multi account. Shame on you.

  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna3 months ago

    It's not my kind of kink. MC is worse than dog. His power is impreganting through sharingan. He is basically using it to get children with any woman. This is his wet dream. Other thing that's pretty shitty is him naming his children by birth order. His powers basically strip all females of brains. I read with hope of improvement but it's not getting better. It's pathetic. There is other one with basically simillar plot but Mc is 1000000000 times better than this worthless piece of shit.

  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna3 months ago
    Respondeu a Storm2023

    Depends on author though... Sometimes, wood style can be used by people without bloodline/cells but it's extremely weak. I don't know if it's canon or fanon though.

  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna3 months ago

    If this is translation then this story is kind of crap. Characters are bland. Rewards are so frequent that this story might as well end in 20 chapters. I don't feel that Mc has any drive to achieve anything. No real obstacles on his way, nothing to really make him strive forward. Naturally, there would be some kind of 'revenge' or other crisis. In some cases, he would slowly build up and encounter people that would hinder his path. There is nothing here. It's like he is living in simulation of some kind of happy place.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna4 months ago

    It's kind of okayish... It doesn't bring anything new to the Naruto fanfics section.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna7 months ago
    Respondeu a Vedora_Tempest

    That's actually bad practice. Because ranking get swarmed with low quality stories that author is unable to write more than 20k chapters. Taking it as something normal makes me feel what will come next. It's hard to read something fun when entire page is filled with 4 chapters long stories that will be dropped after 6 chapter. 20k words isn't really much in fanfic genre. Promoting lazy practices, buries good stories in shit. Not giving deserved attention and eventually destroying those stories because low audience. Lowering expectations only hurts your own experience. Do your own thing but trying to force your acceptance to incompetence is stupid. What's next? Let's give applause for stories generated by chat gpt.

  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna7 months ago

    I doubt this will even surive to the point of getting to real 20k words. If author cannot write 20k to build himself up. It will probably end in 20-30k anyway with 'rewrite' or simply drop. I might return here to update this or I might be just right. That's mystery of life.

  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna7 months ago

    I wanted to have fun reading Cyberpunk ff. It's kind of good but author copy pasted from scribblehub. Kind of sad. It should be deleted and reposted by original author. For you man, get some dignity. Sit on your ass, think about something and write some shit yourself.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • daremetochoosemyna
    daremetochoosemyna10 months ago

    It's basically copied from somewhere else. ADVERTISMENT. I doubt there is any effort involved in this translation. If person couldn't even remove fricking ADVERTISMENT in middle of chapter(not once it's like this in every chapter).