I'm a university student, I take a train every day and enjoy reading on the trip, also hate the auto correct function XD
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the legion is gonna react in some way. they are busy right now,but soon probabile post krath or toward the end we are gonna see some action. not of the good kind thogh
well that's a heavy blow. lot's of pets and krath dead. the krath main weapon is hearding the dungeon spawn towards the colony. with less krath and pets it's gonna be harder to push staff around. and unlike the colony the don't get 100k of reinforments in days.
the 5th stratum gives me the vibes of the body of a creature. beside the hints releated to a beating heart and the breathing both the habitat and the monsters seem look like that. parrasites in a large stomach or veins.
hope you ricovero soon
we had a big turn after what happened to eather and grandma. not sure if it's for the better but le's see what's gonna going on
you are alive so ....no?
mmm a bit of bumer that the legion is not contribuiting to the fight
well written ,but very ominonous
and yes i remember the shade that went "oh if you diede you were just not worthy"