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dont worry as author do what you like write whatever you want correct or wrong good or bad at the end of day you cant please everyone. because there is nothing perfect in this world , everyone has flaw no matter how good author is , there will always be that someone that doesnt like it. ignore whatever you see and be leader not being lead be someone. because every author that being lead be someone drop the fanfic because they dont like being told what to do and what not to do. and even if you did what they want from you they will still create more problem
is he planning to build marvel amazon women harem same as zeus where every harem member is Tigress
acelynn is good name if you shout accccccce lyyyn
i think its stupid to question god when you you can get rucked up for being arrogant chinese your courting death your first chapter is disappointing. it's like an Ant looking toward you and asking why i should follow what you said O.o its like some stupid person asking you on your own fanfic page prove you are real author not to mention asking god on to prove he is god like joke you just gonna say you must be stupid to asking me to prove that i am the author
Thanks for the chapter - this fanfic will go to top 10 in no time