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The timeline is messed up by all the rewriting, Naruto took the sword from Thoru's back but silva got it and asked the yuyutsu sorcerers to make a knife for him to use, but originally before the second rewrite, thoru kept the sword and had it later reforged the sword into a knife used by sila. The problem is that in chaper 2 part 3 you read that he gave it to the sorcrers but in chapter 5 part 2 there is a small callback to how Thoru gave him the sword and had it reforged into a knife, witch didn't happen in this timeline.
Maybe a app that helps overcome fear based trauma, stuff like anxiety.
Useful for pest control.
A app that scares pests and small rodents away from houses and food supply.
The names are a mess.
They cannot be taken after being fully absorbed, but there is a window of a few minutes to days dependent on the power and age of the soul-bone were they can be taken.
Beat him up!!!
spirit items? spirits?
well, his external spirit bone is a eye. so why not.
Answering the question... Both, probably both.