Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, it is what it is my people. 14321 Jockey Cir, Davie, FL 33330 I feel like going on an upgrade quest soon.
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Passed away? More like murdered and burned at the stake💀
I mean they just told you that?
Do they speak French or English during all this? I know he should be able to speak it either through his own efforts or his devil abilities, but what about Raikou? She could speak to them, do servants also have an all-speak like devils?🤔
Either they want to eat you, or it's because of your obviously very red hair, or that brat from the caravan told peope you were a witch
Not even questioning why she was laying down, was she trying to make it a surprise or something?😂
Then immediately declares Salem the winner because of the amount of Grimm😂
Oh she’s fucked if that girl asked to bring her the one who called😂
I’m noticing Women have a prevalency for power in this world
Probably worried about Luvia bragging and such😂
I wonder who would win, Jinn or Spell Caster Will?🤔