

2019-02-26 UnidoGlobal

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  • rosesbu
    rosesbua year ago

    the story is good but painfully slow pace I know you wanted take slow a bit but. sure we know about the characters you have now. But the other characters I would not enough. it almost feels like the gangsters are fleshed out more then the ones you want for the future. This is just my opinion but hey.

  • rosesbu
    rosesbu4 years ago

    so far the story is good and it has my attention. I can not wait for more of this story and how it progresses. Please continue to write this author.

  • rosesbu
    rosesbu5 years ago

    I like the story the author has made so far it is a good chance of pace to where the main character is supposed to be all-dominating and women are supposed to fall in his lap like he is owed them. the dynamics with Abigail and mc are actually done really well as a couple. I honestly see there being a couple like that in real life because not all men wear the pants in the relationships. the main character was a dead man literally and figuratively while Abby the symbiote is wanting more than just to be called a weapon. the writing quality is wonderful and fluid, updates are ongoing and doing good, story development is a 5stars in my book, character designs are actually progressing nicely and wonderful to rea, as for the background I think since people who read or watch the marvel universe have certain expectations it can become lower in their eyes I'm no exceptions but the author is doing a wonderful job in all aspects when it comes to the story as a whole. so keep up the good work author and don't mind the people who are hating.

  • rosesbu
    rosesbu5 years ago

    thanks for the chapters can't wait for more because I like where this is going.

  • rosesbu
    rosesbu5 years ago

    I think the way you are writing the story is good. now that I know that Markus trip with the straw hats are coming to an end I'm getting excited because I want to see what you will do with the MC in the later chapters. author keep up the good work and do what you want with Your story.

  • rosesbu
    rosesbu5 years ago

    by the time he becomes a god that lying skill should be maxed out and evolved into a better skill.